Cornell Bowers College of Computing and Information Science
students in lounge

Employment Outlook

The right people at the right time

The prospects for growth in computing-related jobs are bright.

At the same time, the data-intensity of the information ecomomy is dramatically increasing the need for data scientists and statisticians who can help make sense of all the information around us.

While Cornell Bowers CIS graduates are heavily recruited by technology companies on both coasts, many apply their education to careers in engineering, medicine, law, finance and the public sector. And an increasing number are choosing to apply their entrepreneurial passion and skills to startup ventures. In addition, as undergradaute enrollments continue to increase nationwide, our Ph.D.s are being recruited to teach the next generation of students.

For more information about what our graduates are doing after they leave Cornell, please review the college links below.

Computer Science

Master of Engineering Computer Science

Computer Science Undergrad

Undergraduate, see also:

College of Engineering Post Graduate Reports

College of Arts and Sciences Employment Data Reports

Information Science

Master of Professional Studies

Undergraduate Career Information

Undergraduate, see also:

College of Engineering Post Graduate Reports

College of Agriculture and Life Sciences Post Graduate Reports

College of Arts and Sciences Employment Data Reports


Statistical Science

Master of Professional Studies

Undergraduate, see also: 

College of Arts and Sciences Employment Data Reports