Call for Talks

I’m excited to announce the Eastern Great Lakes Programming Languages Symposium (EGLPLS), a new symposium series. This will serve as an informal way for programming languages researchers in thee Eastern Great Lakes area (NY, PA, Ontario, …) to discuss research and spread ideas. It gives an opportunity to talk with peers in the area about ongoing research, unvarnished ideas, and small contributions. It will be very similar in style to NEPLS and NJPLS.

The first EGLPLS will take place on May 10th, 2019 at Cornell University in Ithaca, NY. If you’re interested in giving a talk, please fill out this form. More details about logistics for the day will take place soon.

We hope to see you, your students, and your colleagues in May!


EGLPLS strives to be a space for researches from all areas of programming languages to discuss ongoing research, unvarnished ideas, and small contributions.

How to Participate

If you would like to give a talk at EGLPLS, please fill out this form.

If you would like to come to EGLPLS to participate without giving a talk, you are more than welcome to do so! Please, RSVP. To see how to get to Cornell, please see the venue page.

Deadlines and Important Dates


The EGLPLS steering and program committee is: